Missionaries Dr's Phillip & Charlotte R. Allen
Our Three Ministries: The main thrust of every missionary!
I. Planting Churches Since January - 1969.
Past: 8 local, Independent Baptist Churches turned over to Brazilian Pastors.
1). Landmark Baptist Church in Loganville, Ga., USA. Turned over to Pr. Tom Lewis. Sept.- 1971
2). Igreja Batista Independente in Altinopolis - SP. Turned over to Pr. Dosoaldo Agnisini.. July - 1973
3). Igreja Batista Independente in Orlandia - SP. Turned over to Pr. Alvaro A. Pavan. August - 1977
4). Igreja Batista Boa Vista in Orlandia - SP. Turned over to Pr. Euripedes P. Moraes. May - 1979
5). Primeira Igreja Batista in Sinop - MT. Turned over to Pr. Manoel Fernandes da Silva. May - 1980
6). Primeira Igreja Batista in Pontal - SP. Turned over to Pr. Agenor A. de Almeda. May - 1984
7). Primeira Igreja Batista in S. S. do Paraiso - MG. Turned over to Pr. Newton C. Pereira. December - 1992
8). Primeira Igreja Batista in Jacui - MG. Turned over to Pr. Ailton A. de Almeida. March - 1995
+ Igreja Batista Independente in S. S. do Paraiso - MG. "Called Pr. Armando Castelan". June - 1998
(This would have been church no. 9, but Pr. Armando did not accept the "call" of the church. At this same time
Pr. Newton of church no. 8 left the work & I was asked to return. The new church, located on the opposite side
of town, voted to unite with the First Baptist Church now that we were back). Since January - 1998
Present: Building a strong base in the 1st Baptist Church in S. S. do Paraiso-MG.
During the year 2000 we have plans to start an AWANA Club.
Proposed: Reach 9 more cities in our area that have no Baptist Church yet. We want
to put a prepared national pastor in each city, thus starting new churches.
II. Paradise Bible Institute
Founded February 26, 1996 when first classes began. We offer a three year study in
theology.1st Graduation was Dec.12,1998 with 7 graduates. One of our graduates,
Jose Francisco Filho, now pastors the First Baptist Church in Itamogi - MG,
which is one of the 12 cities in our area where we plan to start churches. One goal
is to use our students in this church planting endeavor.
III. Camp Hallelujah "Praise ye the Lord"
January - 1997: We purchased 19 acres of mountainous farm land, located in the
beautiful state of Minas Gerais, with a fantastic panoramic view. With the Lord's
leading, & as He provides, we plan to develop a Camp Ministry for our churches.
50 cabins with 6 campers in each one will provide for 300 campers.
Camp Theme: Psalm 24:1 "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the
World, and they that dwell therein".
Camp Motto: Psalm 150:6 "Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord.
Praise ye the Lord".
Surrounded by coffee & banana plantations, as well as cattle ranches; with a tropical
Climate, it is excellent for year round camp times, retreats, picnics & etc.
Many lives have been wonderfully blessed through the ministry of Christian Camp!
Please pray for the ministries of your missionaries. God bless each of you. We are happy to be your co-laborers together with God.
Sincerely in Jesus,
Phillip & Charlotte Allen